a new beginning
Road Trip Team
Where to stay
INCASE Project's Tale of Two Peatland Papers
Peat fans, why not join the Irish Peatland Society?
Peatlands Gathering 2021 keynote address delivered by Minister Malcolm Noonan
Treasure - Bog Poetry by Eileen Casey, captured on film
"Till Birnam Wood remove to Dunsinane": Implications of the Meenbog Peat Slide
Not Yet Saved - Peatland-inspired art by Jo Killalea
Ecohydrology of wetlands and remote sensing monitoring
Improving water from managed bogs: SWAMP and Reform Water projects
AUGER - How peatland properties influence Irish greenhouse gas emissions & removal
GP3 - Irish Peatland Restoration Project
Protecting Ireland’s Oligotrophic Lakes
Irish Peatland Archaeology - Past, Present and Future
Smart observations of peatland function - Smartbog
Welcome to the Peatlands Gathering 2021!