Irish Peatland Society
Peatland Study Trip 2024
Irish Peatland Society
Peatland Study Trip 2024
Agriculture and Peatlands
October 8th and 9th 2024​​​​
(Note: final itinerary showing dates and times of each site visit will follow soon)
Erry (Clara Bog North-West)
FarmPEAT: Ecological wetland improvement, drain blocking, water table monitoring
Ballaghhurt (Bord na Móna)
Spagnum farming
Doorey (Clara Bog South-East)
Eddy covariance tower: part of Teagasc NASCO network
Farm Carbon (Green Restoration Ireland): paludiculture/sustainable management on agricultural peatland
Gurteen College
Eddy covariance tower: data collected being used to manage water table levels (REWET project) to preserve carbon store
During the trip it is also intended to have a presentation/talk on the impact of incentive paid farming on the design of the ACRES and ACRES co-op schemes